Falling asleep on the sofa but struggling in bed can be attributed to several factors, including sleep pressure, circadian rhythm, and the environment.
Sleep pressure increases with the duration of wakefulness, urging the body to rest. The circadian rhythm influences wakefulness during the day and sleep at night. A comfortable, cozy environment with a warm room and background TV noise is conducive to dozing off. After a sofa nap, sleep pressure diminishes, making it harder to fall asleep in bed.
Sleep cycles play a role too, as waking up during deep sleep can result in grogginess. Activities after leaving the sofa, like bright lights or teeth brushing, can hinder sleepiness.
Anxiety about sleep, associating bed with stress, and poor sleep hygiene can also hinder sleep in bed. Establishing a consistent pre-sleep routine, maintaining a comfortable bedroom, and avoiding phone use before bed can help. Playing “white noise” might assist in masking disruptions, and adhering to a regular sleep schedule is beneficial.
Ultimately, avoiding sofa naps directs accumulated sleep pressure towards achieving restful sleep in bed.
For more on this, check out this article.