Let’s start in San Francisco where Michael Magnuson, CEO of GoodBed.com, found himself under a shelter in place mandate.
He wrote a catchy song and rallied his family to make a music video. That led to a song number two, a country diddy called “Stayin’ Home.” See the video below.
Artwork has flowed from paint brushes.
Landscaping projects in backyards across the world have blossomed to life.
Kids are cooking for their parents. T
ik-Tok is exploding with dance routines.
Co-workers are collaborating on new ideas.
Behind the scenes, Dos Marcos have written thousands of words they hope will help retailers.
The creativity seems unprecedented.
In this episode, we dive into examples of creativity and what it could mean for the mattress industry.
If you’re not an out-of-the-box thinker, you’ll get tips on how to hold a fun brainstorm and apply those ideas to your business.
Nationwide has launched a full section on their website dedicated to helping retailers: Coronavirus Resource and Best Practices for Independent Retailers.
For Dos Marcos listeners seeking expert advice as they navigate government programs and coronavirus assistance, we have an email address for you to use: help@nationwidegroup.org.
Send an email to that address, give the Nationwide team about 24 hours, and help will be on the way. Expert guidance, not misinformation that could cost your business.
Thank you to our headline sponsor Nationwide Marketing Group.
As a member of Nationwide Marketing group, you instantly have access to over 200+ ambitious, entrepreneurial-minded advocates who are dedicated to helping your business thrive. Nationwide serves more than 5,500 independent retail members with tools, resources, training, and technology to help their businesses grow.
Also, thanks to our sponsor, PureCare. PureCare designs essential elements necessary to create a healthy sleep environment. PureCare manufactures the official mattress and pillow protectors of both the National Sleep Foundation and the Woman’s Choice Award.
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