Pleasant Mattress Becomes First U.S. Manufacturer to Achieve SP2 Certification

Pleasant Mattress has received the Sleep Products Sustainability Program (SP2) certification from the Mattress Recycling Council (MRC)—the first U.S.-based manufacturer to do so.

SP2 is an environmental certification program resulting from a sustainability initiative launched by the MRC for mattress manufacturers. 

Since starting the program, Pleasant has already verified a 10% reduction in energy used as well as a 10% reduction in waste generated. The company has also identified future goals for improvement that include upgrading the factory to energy-saving LED lighting while also adding a rooftop solar power system for dedicated sewing and manufacturing equipment.

SP2 offers individual mattress manufacturers free tools and training to conduct an in-depth analysis to identify ways to reduce adverse environmental impacts, establish best practices and set metrics to track progress. 

The program helps them examine the nature and designs of the product against the raw materials they manage and consume in the manufacturing and distribution processes. Management and minimization of waste products are covered as standards as well as how the products they manufacture today are managed at the end of their useful lives by recyclers.

The goal of the program is to enable manufacturers to examine all waste streams from their operations, then measure, and systematically reduce the negative environmental impacts of their operations and supply chain. 

“SP2 is designed to reduce waste in all its forms in the manufacturing process,” says Rion Morgenstern, president and CEO of Pleasant Mattress. “We are pleased to be the first U.S.-based manufacturer to undergo the training and become certified by an independent audit. It was easy to get our whole company on board from the start. Every day our employees hear about the urgent need for sustainability from their children who are learning about it in school. The certification reinforces Pleasant Mattress’ dedication to environmental sustainability and our community.”

SP2 was introduced in 2019 and is free to eligible California participants as the program is funded by the MRC. The training and certification process takes nine to 12 months. The certification is valid for one year at which time the company must be recertified.

“Pleasant Mattress has a strong, environmentally-focused culture and enthusiastically embraced the entire SP2 process,” says MRC Managing Director Mike O’Donnell. “By becoming the first mattress manufacturer to achieve this certification, they have cemented their place as an important catalyst in the mattress industry’s sustainability efforts.”

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