Sleep anxiety is a condition where individuals feel worried or anxious about falling asleep or staying asleep.
It differs from generalized anxiety disorder because it specifically revolves around sleep-related concerns, such as fears of not getting enough rest or experiencing harm while asleep.
People with sleep anxiety may struggle to relax at bedtime and may also encounter physical anxiety symptoms like a racing heart, sweating, or breathlessness.
This condition can resemble psychophysiologic insomnia, where individuals associate bedtime with the struggle to sleep rather than relaxation. Over time, this fear of sleep loss can become persistent, creating a cycle of insomnia.
Symptoms of sleep anxiety include a sense of dread, palpitations, sweating, digestive issues, muscle tension, poor concentration, low energy, low motivation, and irritability.
Managing sleep anxiety is crucial for overall well-being, as it affects both nighttime rest and daytime functioning. Techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, relaxation exercises, and lifestyle adjustments can help individuals overcome sleep anxiety and achieve a more peaceful night’s sleep.
The above article was adapted by this article from Good Housekeeping.