First of all, thanks to Jeff Scheuer, America’s Beducator and owner of Mattress to Go, for the face masks—err, sleep masks (dual-purpose).
And thank you Jeff and Kristine for all you are doing to serve your community by providing free handmade masks. The people of Shelby Township, Michigan are lucky to have you as friends and neighbors.
Check out Jeff’s Beducation YouTube Channel. Whether you’re a consumer or a mattress nerd, it’s filled with information we find incredibly valuable.
On this episode, we talk about how mattress retailers are evolving.
The “appointment” model is taking hold. Doorstep delivery is now a thing. There’s talk about protective equipment to cover each mattress during rest tests.
For those with a cart feature on their websites, ecommerce selling is becoming common place. We’re seeing tremors of change, but what will stick? Where should retailers focus to set themselves up for the comeback?
Dos Marcos also talk about this—on the backside of returning to the new normal, what messages will resonate with consumers? How do you position the mattress as a solution to problems consumers are facing amidst the coronavirus outbreak?
Nationwide has launched a full section on their website dedicated to helping retailers: Coronavirus Resource and Best Practices for Independent Retailers.
For Dos Marcos listeners seeking expert advice as they navigate government programs and coronavirus assistance, we have an email address for you to use:
Send an email to that address, give the Nationwide team about 24 hours, and help will be on the way. Expert guidance, not misinformation that could cost your business.
Thank you to our headline sponsor Nationwide Marketing Group.
As a member of Nationwide Marketing group, you instantly have access to over 200+ ambitious, entrepreneurial-minded advocates who are dedicated to helping your business thrive. Nationwide serves more than 5,500 independent retail members with tools, resources, training, and technology to help their businesses grow.
Also, thanks to our sponsor, PureCare. PureCare designs essential elements necessary to create a healthy sleep environment. PureCare manufactures the official mattress and pillow protectors of both the National Sleep Foundation and the Woman’s Choice Award.
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Full Transcription:
Mark QuinnÂ
This is how you word he’s right.
Mark Kinsley Â
I’m pretty sure that I don’t know why Jeff would send these because we’re not going to do what you’re doing very good service.
Mark QuinnÂ
But I do want to give a huge shout out to our buddy Jeff Shire, in Shelby Township, Michigan and mattress to go for sending us these masks. He’s actually, they are face masks, right?
Mark KinsleyÂ
I don’t know if they can go over your head. They can see you look way better that way.
Mark QuinnÂ
Well, you don’t like my glasses?
Mark KinsleyÂ
No, it’s the face that bothers me. The glasses are fine. Like that.
Mark QuinnÂ
What is your Rodney Dangerfield over here? Hey, huge shout out to our buddy, Jeff Shire, the beducator, the nation’s beducator, for sending us some of the swag and here’s the cool thing: him and his wife Christine, they’ve been making masks because Michigan is shut down for the most part. They’ve been making masks and then announcing they have masks through their social channels and advertising and giving them away for free. People just have to drive up to the store. And they give them face masks, not eye masks. And so, he’s done that a couple of times and gone through hundreds of this great way to serve the community in a very uncertain time. Great way to stay connected to people and keep your brand forefront because you know, we’ve talked about this a lot. The home is under a magnifying glass. People are paying attention to everything that’s around them. And I think the mattresses is on that list. You know, people’s sleep schedules are adjusting a little bit might have heightened awareness about how that mattress feels. And so, I love what Jeff is doing. Thanks for the swag buddy. And we hope you’re doing well. Love it.Â
Mark KinsleyÂ
Have you ever been on an airplane where you’ve like needed a mask? Have you ever traveled like long-distance where you like actually had a mask and used it during a flight because it’s really nice it like it blocks out a lot of stuff? And if you have that on top of a noise cancelling your phone.Â
Mark Quinn
You know me, man, I’m a road. I’m a road warrior. I actually travel with a dedicated sleep mask that stays in my backpack. Because if you’re sitting there on a plane, which we haven’t been on a plane in a long time, but if you’re sitting on a plane, and you’re in the aisle seat, for example, or the plane is taking a certain bank and the sunshine is like beaming through the window and like piercing your pupils. I like to have an eye mask especially if I want to sleep or even if I just want to like have a moment where I can control not having the sunshine shoot into my eyelids. So yeah, I always travel with a face mask and eye mask sleep mask. And that one that old one’s going to be replaced and I’m going to travel with this one from now on.
Mark Kinsley
I’m liking this. I think I might just start playing pickleball on this so it looks like a cool sweatband right. Just increase beducation awareness in Joplin parks.
Mark QuinnÂ
Yeah, they need that because Joplin parks are underrepresented when it comes to b beducation, awareness.
Mark KinsleyÂ
That’s exactly right.
Mark QuinnÂ
That needs to be the new PSA that we put on TV.
Mark KinsleyÂ
I think so.
Mark QuinnÂ
Hey, you know, in the middle of this, I will give Jeff another shout out. Jeff is the beducator and his YouTube videos have in the millions of views now? He does such a great job of teaching customers. Or if you’re a retail salesperson or retail manager, teaching you about the way that the industry works about component technology about what actually contributes to a comfortable durable mattress. So definitely check him out on YouTube. I’m going to make sure I have it right and beducate want to get his URL just perfect. And it totally didn’t show
Mark KinsleyÂ
While you’re doing that. Oh, hello. I want to make a comment. I we’ve been on the phone a lot with nationwide. And if you are an independent retailer out there listening to the show and you have any questions about anything. Go to Nationwide’s website. They’re doing some incredible work. They’re doing a lot of work for you in terms of information and helping everyone understand the PPP and all the government funded system. So go check it out and also Kinsley they are procuring safety kits I think is how they’re referring to Those but masks and gloves and full, almost hazmat suit kind of stuff for their retailers. So, all they have to do is call it nationwide. And I think they’re going to be able to order them through nationwide, but they’ll be available. And you know, it’s kind of nice because all these guys don’t have to source all that themselves. Pretty cool perk for the nationwide number. So be on the lookout for that.
Mark QuinnÂ
We also have an email address set up for this Marcos listeners and for anybody in the retail community that needs help. So, if you have a specific question and you need expert guidance, send an email You can get expert information; we know that the triple p program was exhausted all the money all those billions of dollars. Gone. What now? What should you do? How should you be thinking about your next steps? Well, don’t guess. Don’t try to find expert guidance from your next-door neighbour that you’re talking to over the fence. Get help, and nationwide has legal experts and a team dedicated to navigating all the different programs that can impact your business. And they’re providing expert information. I just want to make sure like we had Mike on the show. And it was a big eye opener how much misinformation was out there. And we want to make sure and do our part to correct that so that you come out of this healthy or at least on a path where you can regain that health in your business.
Mark KinsleyÂ
So, speaking of regaining health, we’ve had a lot of discussion back and forth about what retailers are doing these days. Kinsley, in terms of like, what are they doing now to drive business? You know, we talked to Jim Danko at Nationwide about e-commerce and chat functions and the ability to transact online. But we’ve also been having some conversations about what brick and mortar looks like today. And what brick and mortar experience is going to be when people get back. And so, I thought maybe we could talk a little bit about that. And then also swerve into some conversation around marketing and messaging. There’s been really a couple good examples shared with us. But I’ll start us off in the physical environment. I know you were talking to Sean Bergman today with Bert Pure Care. And you know, they have those pillow sheets, a sheet the rip off of a roll, and that was pre-Coronavirus, timing. And it’s a great way to sanitize a pillow and make people feel comfortable that when they’re trying pillows out in the store that it you know, they’re not putting their head on the same pillow that 50 other people had that day. And I think they’re coming up with that same thing for the top of the mattress. So now when people come in, they can rip off a sheet laid on top of the entire surface of the bed so that they’re protected from the surface. So anyway, that’s one way I know that people are potentially going to make the shopping environment safer. What are you hearing?Â
Mark QuinnÂ
That one has come up a few times. And I have to wonder, in a situation like this, might the pendulum swing too far might we impose upon ourselves some conditions or some constraints that really weren’t needed? I think you know; the consumer is going to vote with their dollars. But I think in an effort to differentiate, and to install some confidence in consumers, you’re going to see retailers do what you talked about, you know, our environment isn’t one in which you’re going to lay on the same spot that somebody else that potentially was sick was laying moments ago. But at the same time, you know, you have people that are chiming in online, saying no, everything’s going to go back to the way it was people have an amazing ability to forget what happened. And just get back to business as usual. People still want to touch and feel a mattress. So, I think you’re going to see the same thing we’re seeing right now, a range of responses. Some people are hunkered down, some people are protesting in front of government building, saying open back up the economy. It’s such a range of responses. And I think that’s what’s going to happen at retail, it’s not going to come back evenly. If it comes back in the state that it was at all and I think many people are looking at the saying, how could it come back in it in its current state, you know, you’re going to you’re going to shed a lot of you know, players in a market that weren’t healthy and strong to begin with. So, I know we’re talking about two different things. But the comeback is uneven for retailers and I think the comeback is very uneven for consumers as well. A range of responses, I think is what you’re going to get.
Mark KinsleyÂ
Yeah, and I think things will loosen up. I think initially when people to start going into stores, there might be that sensitivity to it. But I think in a little bit of time people will get back to normal, or some version of normal. But so yeah, I think there’s that I think you’re going to see a lot of stores will sanitizer, there’ll be a lot of stores with probably signs in the window, saying, you know, safe place to shop or finding a way to say that, you know, staying distance from the consumer, making sure really, not to invade that six-foot circle, I think personal space is taken on a new definition of that personal space. Prior to this was not six feet, personal space was probably considered, you know, a three foot, you know, distance possibly, but now it’s like expanded. So, I think you’re going to be very aware of how close you are to the customer. So, I think that’s part of it, too. Maybe even Kinsley brand new pins for every transaction, right? So, you can literally bust out a pin from a package or individual wrapper, so they know that they’re not, you know, grabbing on to a writing pen that others have used. I mean, silly stuff, I guess. But I think it could go there, don’t you? I mean, I think it could be kind of that detailed.
Mark QuinnÂ
I think there are lots of people hypersensitive, about contact in general. You know, even when I went to the store, I mean, we still have to go shop for groceries right now go to the store, stand in line on the dot, dot, six feet apart from the person in front of you, I get up there. And then I’m like, okay, so this lady is touching all my stuff. And the other lady is touching all my stuff to help get it organized. And then I’m touching the credit card machine. And then I’m grabbing the credit card back and I’m thinking the whole time about all of this contact and how it’s adding up. And then I’m like, okay, in my back pocket, I’ve got, you know, one of the wipes, you know, the one of the Clorox wipes, I’m like, I’ll get that out at the right time. But this, this is exhausting. This is exhausting to people. And they start probably loosening up over time. But I think you’re right. When we evaluate the experience, the before, during and after, we’re going to be thinking about how do we limit contact, you know, even in the in the post that you put together on the DOS, Marcos Facebook page, you put up a video talking about how will betting retail change when we come out of that there are some great comments and Bob mkal even put up something about contact free deliveries. So how can you design an experience so that you serve that customer need, we’re going to deliver it to your house, take away your old mattress, but we’re going to do it with these steps in place to limit all contact? So, I think that thought process and really designing that, you know, putting pen to paper and saying what does this look like? What can we control will be something that people might use to differentiate and it might be a new consumer mandatory for people coming into their homes?
Mark KinsleyÂ
Yeah, no doubt about that. How about the mattress by appointment to like so the deliveries the contactless deliveries, oh Sonny about the age fat guy that was in my house and how there is this real ceremony behind him saying I can’t touch you; I can’t shake your hand. Here’s my mask, this is what we’re doing. So, he literally gave me this little riff on, you know that how they’re taking precaution. So, I thought that was interesting probably will be integrated. But think about the mattress by appointment. So, for the people who are concerned in a store, you could say, hey, look, I’ll lock it down. Here’s from six to seven o’clock every night or you know, 12 to 1pm every day, that’s mattress by appointment time, and I’ll make sure no one else is in the store. Right? You could maybe block off some time to do that. So, I don’t know, maybe that’s a thought. Also, Tom Whalen. Kinsley says I see retailers learning how lean they can run, putting a lot more stock in e-com, and maybe not bringing back as many of the retail sales associates. And then that tagged on to something else that was said by David Ridgeway, which was he wonders how many service reps working for manufacturers like well, there’ll be a lot of guys in the field calling on retailers. So, will that, you know, will that be cut back? And will that come back to full strength later on? Those that mean, that’s not about the retail shopping experience, but it’s certainly part of our selling process. So, who knows? Right?
Mark Quinn
I think that’s the theme. The theme is are you know, how lean can we get and still run a successful business and you know, whether it’s on the manufacturing side, or on the retail side, I think people are going to be really evaluating, you know, how lean and mean can we get so that we can Get back up and running. And then maybe your kind of course correct from there and add the proper amount of people, you need to have a successful business. But, you know, on the manufacturing side of things, we’ve seen the number of reps float in and out of, you know, what you might consider to be strong numbers for many years. And that really does impact retail. Because when you introduce a new product line, and you don’t have a team out there training the retail sales associate, what can what you can do to make this program successful? Then how do you actually get people up to speed on that? I mean, does the shopping process change? And it’s really focused on Okay, the feel is the deal, and we only source products we know are going to last? Does it narrow your selection? Or are you stalking them deeper than you ever did before for same day delivery? It this whole thing can shift the model that you have in place, and how you go about getting your people up to speed so they can sell it properly. It’s the whole kind of old argument around line change, you know, line change can be really tough for retailers, because the sales associates are so good at navigating the line, and then selling those products, effectively because they built up all their knowledge, you bring in a new line, and they’re like, oh my gosh, I got to relearn this. And I got to, I have to reimagine how I take my customer through that path. So, it could change a lot of things. But that’s this, this to me, it’s always an opportunity. You know, this is an opportunity to rethink some things that may have been institutionalized, that weren’t good to begin with. What are those things start plucking them out?
Mark KinsleyÂ
Yeah. And James Perez, when we had him on the show, he was talking about some of that, let me let me you’re going to love this story. Let me tell you how weird things have gotten. I’m in the park playing pickleball the other day. And I had brought a chair, there’s some beach chairs at the park. So, you can like you know, when you get them playing on the courts, we have to we have a court out there. You can go sit up in the beach chairs. But of course, no one wants to do that. And everyone’s trying to keep their distance, so this guy who I know like I’m friendly with the guy played with four buddies over, he sits down in my chair. So, I brought a folding chair to set it by the core with my stuff. I have hand sanitizer, right by my paddle, my bag, my gym bag. I keep food over there, for in between games, I’ve got my water jug. And there’s my chair and my hand sanitizer are in one of the cup-holders of the chair. And this guy comes and sits in my chair and I look over and I was immediately triggered. And I look at that guy go Johnny Get out of my chair. Like, have you lost your mind? Why are you sitting in my chair? You would never ever think about that. But I mean, he sat on my chair and given everything that’s going on. I’m thinking to myself, that’s really insensitive for him to like, sit and sit and then I felt like an asshole, right? Because I’m telling a guy to get out of my chair, which is so bizarre, like normally who would freaking care, right? So anyway, now I’m like all paranoid when I see this guy, he’s like, oh, he’s going to eat. And now you know, he’s like, probably telling people that guy essentially jerky and like kick me out of his chair like, what a moron. But I’m thinking to myself, so I’m asking three or four people I got in my head jerk and they’re like, hell no, I would have kicked him out of the chair too. So, it’s just weird stuff getting weird.
Mark QuinnÂ
Well, people have to understand though, when you go play pickleball your quote unquote bag chair is actually about an eight-foot throne. And so clearly, nobody should be sitting in Quinn’s seat. Get out of my seat. I am the king of the pickleball court and I don’t travel with some rinky dink bag chair. It’s the Quinn throne.
Mark KinsleyÂ
Well, it does say Quinn, King of pickleball on the back of the chair, embroidered trademark said I need your help and making myself look like a moron. Thank you.
Mark QuinnÂ
Back on the Dos Marcos podcast Sarah Bergman with pure care. What’s up, Sarah?
Hi, everybody. It’s so nice to be here.
Mark QuinnÂ
It’s great to have you here. Obviously, we’re living in unprecedented kind of crazy times. And you know, people are hyper focused right now on staying clean and staying germ free. And the bells and the whistles start going off in my head about Pure Care and what you offer and that’s really going to connect with consumers.
I think so too. You know, we have built a brand that is focused on creating a cleaner and more hygienic sleep environment. And we’ve got a lot of different touch points in that that are naturally built into our products. Today, protectors. We are the only protectors that can be washed and dried on hot settings for total sanitization. Whenever we’re developing pillows, we think about how do we design this with zippers so that you can take anything, you need to add a bit, wash it, clean it. So, all of those stories are built into our products, our antimicrobial silver product protection story, just a lot of great things that we do naturally. And I also though just want to touch on some of the things that we’re thinking about, you know, as retailers begin to reopen, what is the experience like for their consumer in their stores? and post COVID? What happens? How do we help them create a cleaner experience while people are in the store testing products? So, we’re really applying every good thing that we’ve done in the hygiene arena to make sure that even the mattress testing experience, the pillow testing experience is cleaner and better for retailers. And so, a lot more to come from that on pure care site. And we’ll be kind of dispersing a lot of information to the industry itself. But as always check out our website, go to, learn more about what we’ve been doing for two decades to bring cleaner, more hygienic sleep, to customers everywhere.Â
Mark Quinn
Let’s shift gears here. It’s not just what happens in the physical environment. Let’s talk about the marketing side of this and the messaging side of this Kinsley because I think so my good buddy jack wells, he’s such a great guy. And he does a terrific job for great American home store. in Memphis, we’ve talked about him before, but he’s sent a commercial to me. And he’s doing a 62nd version of it and a 32nd version of it. And at times like this, you have to be really careful about what you’re saying, I think some people tried to get too cute messaging around, like a crisis or something crazy that happens. And they didn’t, they just totally nailed that, I think. And the basic message was, you know, we’ve all you know, we all value our family, but maybe we value our family more now than ever, right? So, take that time to spend with your kids and your wife and do those things that connect you to them and, and really take a moment and pause and be grateful. And it was this great emotional music. And then it says, however, you know, if you’re at home, and you’re spending more time at home than you ever have, and you start to notice that some things are getting worn down or whatever, just know that we’re here. Here’s our website, you can shop our store online, we’re here to answer any questions that you might need. And just know that we’re here, we’re in the community, and we’re behind you, 100%. And we’ll get through this kind of message. And I just thought Sarah did really well done. What did you think?
Mark Kinsley
I, thought the tone was incredibly spot on. I mean, it was appropriate for the times in which we live, it was meaningful for the business. So, it wasn’t just a kind of an emotional, hey, we ‘re just saying hi message it was and we’re here to solve problems too. Because we know that you’re in your home, you’re confined by these four walls, and you’re starting to see stuff that you don’t like, and but the tone was spot on. And I think that that just speaks to the creativity of great American Home store, and the flexibility, you know, their, you know, their ability to look at the situation put out creative that connects with their community. And, you know, that’s why we talk a lot about content. And about, you know, what Michael Grossman from Kensington furniture said he did with his team, which was shift over to the human talent that was making content for the social digital channels, and pulling budget away from some of the spots that were a little bit iffy. And so clearly, they have a team in place that can handle those content needs. And you can message appropriately. I tell you; I’ve been really paying attention to advertisements on national TV. And so often whenever you get into a crisis situation or some something bad happens that’s on a national scale. You see the same ads continue to run. And the tone may not match what has happened in society. And you just see and you think my gosh, tone deaf. I’ve seen so many advertisers really fast track their creative, switch it up. And the messaging is spot on and so good. You know, that’s what it’s going to take. You know, that was a trend that was already unfolding. The ability to update creative in almost real time and distribute that normally Real time. And so, to see some independent retailers doing that is very encouraging, as well. And I thought the tone was really good. And I tell you the other trend here, that’s an obvious one that we’re hearing from so many people and they even posted this on your video is, is ecommerce, yes, like it’s so obvious.
Mark QuinnÂ
But I tell you, when I think about e-commerce for retailers, for brick-and-mortar retailers, here’s what I think people should be really considering. It’s not just selling a product that you ship to someone’s home. It’s there are two other major facets to this, I think you need to be thinking through whenever somebody is ready to buy a mattress, most of the time, they want to solve that problem today. So, here’s what might happen, they might come to your store and go to two others. What if they love the mattress they found at your store, but they’re exhausted, they want to go home and order it from their house. So, they liked the one that you had, they liked the price, they had a quote from your salesperson, they want to go back to their house, order it and have it show up, you should be able to transact with them in that fashion seamlessly. Because the product they saw on the store is on the website, I can buy it great scheduled delivery, it’s going to be here in two days. So, it’s like I saw it in the store. And then I bought it online, or I can buy it online, and then pick it up in the store the same day. Novus, we’ve talked about this before, or the traditional, I want to shop at home. And I want to support a local retailer, because I can see what happens in my community. Whenever stores are shut down, I’m looking around right now thinking restaurants and bars. You don’t want vacant real estate in your community. So, people may now if you build value in it, connect with the idea of Gosh, I just want to support this local store. Because I see how important that is thinking through those different paths that people can arrive at your store incredibly important. And you can outline that now think it through now.Â
Mark Kinsley
So, shop local love it. You know, I’ve always been a big fan of that. I think that’s a big one. I also think Kinsley we get frustrated sometimes, because there’s so much product price and promotion pimping, that goes on as a hook to get people in, I really, really triple p, quadruple P. Know, quadruple product price promotion pending, and we got a pamphlet, you got to if you’re going to do it, right. So, I think the big opportunity is, so what is the impact of sleep? So, taking it to the emotional, we’re always talking about this, right? So, what is the impact of sleep on your health? What is the impact of sleep on your happiness and wellbeing? Health is what everybody is talking about. And so why not connect the mattress to that issue with the benefit of sleep? And so, there are all kinds of studies that say, if you’re well-rested, then your immune system functions better, right? And so isn’t that a huge opportunity for people to say, look, you’re not just going to buy a bed, you’re going to buy a piece of equipment for your home that can literally help protect your wellbeing your family’s wellbeing if you’re sleeping better, you’re going to be sick less often. Here’s the study, here’s the link, great stuff for social media. You know, don’t overstate it Be careful about making claims but my heavens if not now Kinsley when if not now for that message, and the ability to drive home and emotional thing associated with the products that we sell, then when if not now when right Roger magnets is in my head, right? If not us who right now when.Â
Mark QuinnÂ
But I think it’s spot on too. Because, you know, like, take it a step further, like you and I talked about frequently, you can connect sleep to a health benefit, hey, you want to boost your immune system. Here’s an article that says sleep is the way to do that. And by the way, if you’re tossing and turning, you’re not getting deep restorative sleep that leads to an immune system boost. Again, don’t make any claims figure out that language, but connect it to the product don’t make it loosey goosey connected to the mattress and say, look, if you are tossing and turning, if you got a bad mattress that’s keeping your pain alive, then you are not getting deep restorative REM sleep and that’s keeping you from being as healthy as possible to fend off illness. That message right now incredibly relevant. And it can connect all the way down to the mattress directly.
Mark KinsleyÂ
It can and it should. It absolutely should. And it’s fun stuff to talk about in the social media space really. In so um, you know, it’s an attitude thing people are Struggling mental health, a lot of people, there’s depression. And all of that. And lack of sleep, as we know, is a big problem when it comes to people’s mental state enjoy. And so, people that aren’t sleeping well, you can talk about that. And you can talk about the fact that it’s really important now more than ever for mental health, to make sure you’re well rested and feeling good. Because if you do that, then you’re going to give yourself a better chance to like, navigate the darker days, or the frustration, you might be feeling on things. So, I think there’s a mental health, not just the physical health.
Mark QuinnÂ
And, you know, hop over to our Facebook page and tell us what are some of the trends you’re seeing, that we can connect to sleep, because I think if we all keep talking, if we all keep gathering around this campfire, in trading stories, and giving each other ideas, then we can make our industry come back, the best it can possibly be, it’s going to be different, we understand that we understand this contact free environment we’ve talked about, we understand the relevance of sleep and connection to the mattress and health and the immune system. We understand e commerce we understand the reset in the workforce and fewer reps, it’s but it’s going to come back and how it comes back can be more creative than other ever. We have to keep talking, we have to keep gathering up. So, tell us, you know, tell us what your thoughts are what you’re saying you can go over to our Facebook page, it’s mattress podcast. So, if you go to, you can weigh in and give us a shout out. And we like collecting up these ideas too, because we do want to shine a light on them and disseminate those and help each other out.
Mark Kinsley
No doubt. My final thought on this subject. I did a post on our SpinCo Facebook page. And it was in the comment was around the video short video was around is a luxury bed for rich people. And obviously we have luxury bedding. And the answer is no, a luxury bed isn’t for rich people a luxury bed is for people who value sleep. So, truck drivers who are long haul and have back pain, or anyone who’s physical or anyone who just values a kick butt night of sleep that to a really high-quality bed is for it’s not about income, right. And so, you will spend money on what you value most. And so, the only reason I bring that up is when things start to come back. Don’t assume that it’s all going to be velocity price point stuff, I think there’s going to be plenty of that. But don’t give up the high-end stuff. Because people are going to look at sleep differently than they did probably because of what everyone’s been through. And so, make your case, in a step up, they’ve got a list of things they’re going to be buying with their disposable income, where are you on their list. And if you build value in the mattress the way you should, then you can get higher on that list and get a bigger piece of that disposable income but you have to build value in it. And it makes sure they understand that hey, better quality bedding, there’s a real strong reason to do that. And so don’t just think in your mind, well, we got to you know, it’s all going to be low end stuff people are you know, saving their money and that may be true in a lot of cases but just don’t give it away as my point.
Mark QuinnÂ
I don’t give it away, don’t give it away at all absent of value people make decisions on price. And you have to build value in everything that you do. You know I had such a great experience recently because a friend of mine, her husband, our doctors, and they had been sleeping on a piece of junk, Amazon, green tea foam, 12-inch paper towel wrapped nothing burger. And I got him a new mattress. It’s from our Englander collection. And the new dreamer collection we launched back in in January and it’s what I slip on. And they had seen it and you know tried it out and they’re like we want that and like the next day they’re like every bone in our body. Thank you, we were miserable and didn’t even know it people are miserable and don’t even know it. You have to assure that to the surface for them.
Mark KinsleyÂ
But you were one of those people.
Mark QuinnÂ
Yeah, because I was a Frankenstein guy like I would Frankenstein stuff and try stuff out and I thought I could be this experimenter and guess what you can but not forever. So, you got to get something that works for your body. You got to get fitted for a mattress and that’s another message fitted common get fitted.
Mark KinsleyÂ
So, by local get fitted for your bed. Sleep is a physical health benefit. Sleep is a mental health benefit and luxury sleep for people that really value, a good night of rest, so there’s some good stuff in there.
Mark Quinn
Well, another good thing that’s in there in our industry anyway, is Mike Magnussen song shelter in place, which we’re still rolling with you should we hit it,
Mark Kinsley
I lay it down baby.
Song Lyrics
Well, not long ago, we will live in our lives, but as normal as can be, but then things got real. And now we’re all home, perhaps indefinitely. You see, to stop the spread, we need to isolate ourselves from one another. But the good news is, that means a lot more time with your sister and your brother. Now the kids are home from school, which I think is kind of cool is that we’re blowing up the internet. We’re doing video meetings and virtual classes. [Inaudible audio at 3559-3625] comes to town when you got to get out of the house to enjoy the day. So, we go to the park and just make sure it’s the two other people far away. And family time has never been better at least in quantity, baking cookies in the kitchen doing yoga in the yard. It’s a parenting PhD. And I’m the only bartender and that means that my glass is always full. And the best part is that in this bar bands are optional. [Inaudible audio at 3654-3722]. Now we’re cleaning the garage because this is number 80 to 100. If you list Next come the climate, the coverage for Windows the painting you get the gist. Now people used to laugh that I hadn’t watched all the shows everybody knows. But now we got the time so who’s laughing now that I’ve been saving the sopranos and if we get lonely and need to see our friends in our families, which is called a love phone the video about sharing.