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Arthur Watkins’ Fill Station is the Build-A-Bear of Bedding

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You’ve heard of Build-A-Bear, but have you heard of the Fill Station?

If you haven’t, we liken it to the build-a-bear experience, but for mattress stores. Founder and CEO of Fill Station Pillow Kiosk, Arthur Watkins has created an in-store attraction wherein you can customize your pillow from start to finish. Select your foam, your density, and any other material to pillow perfection.

On today’s episode, we discuss the cultish obsession people have to their pillow, the draw of a customized pillow, and how personalized pillows can not only attract potential customers, but assist in elevating the sale. Bring the customer in for the pillow and sell them a mattress, too!

Full Transcript

Mark Kinsley 

I feel good! F I L L- the founder and creator of fill station pillow kiosk, Arthur Watkins is on the show today with the story behind his business and how experiences can build your business. The dose Marco show begins in 60 seconds

Mark Kinsley 

Welcome, welcome to the dose Marco show. I’m Mark Kinsley. He’s mark when this is actually happens, my friend Leslie. She’s a great storyteller. So she came over to let my dog out. His name is Jones. He’s got a lot of attitude and he’s a pogo stick. So he goes out in the yard, and she’s trying to get him to come back inside. And it was a little bit sunny out but it was kind of cold. So he found a patch of sun over in the corner of the yard. And she’s like Camilla Jones come here. Jones, and Lesley’s amazing. She’s really fun and artsy. And she has blue hair. So you gotta imagine little Leslie with her blue hair. She dyed it recently. And so she said she’s had different colours of hair. She’s really cool. So, Jones, my dog goes and finds patches on and he will not come to her. And she’s trying to go and get back to what she’s doing in her day. And so finally she’s like Jones, Kenny Jones, come here. He just rolls over on his back in the patch of sun. And so she’s like, okay, so she walks through the yard. She goes over she pets his Tommy. And he looks up at her as she’s standing there about to pick him up. And he looks down at her feet. And then he takes off running toward the house and she was standing in two giant piles of poop.

Mark Quinn 

For lady

Mark Kinsley 

I know, I know. So poor Leslie, I thank you have many times over for putting up with little Jones. And hey, if you have one of those puppies that you got during all the craziness, you probably can relate on some level or maybe you made a smart decision. You didn’t get a puppy.

Mark Quinn 

Yeah, I’ve got a quick dog story. We have a neighbour down the street has a mixed German Shepherd. So I’ve got two Australian shepherds and his dog bust through the electric. So he’s got an electric collar and it’s kind of a new dog and but he’s just a renegade and he wants to come to our house. So he goes through the electric shock thing. And he hits him for like 10 seconds and he’s like, Screw it. I don’t care. I’m going to the Quinn house because there’s two dogs to play with. So he takes the pain for 10 seconds and ends up in the house. He comes here almost every day. Some of these texts in unison like hey, we got her. It’s cool. Don’t worry about it. They’re playing it’s fine. Anyway, one day Bridget takes lady back to her home which is about a block away. And then she walks back to the house and lady comes running out of our bedroom. Like I just brought her home well that dog had cut through a field behind her house came in the back door because we can leave it open for the dogs again. And it was back in our house again Bridget thought she was in The Twilight Zone. She’s like I just took care of this dog. But we are not as smart as are there because our there doesn’t actually have a dog

Mark Kinsley 

that that dog actually knew where there was a comfortable mattress. And he probably found it because it’s Mark Quinn’s bedroom he’s gonna have a comfortable mattress and to go with that you have to have a comfortable pillow. But there’s more to having a comfortable pillow. Then we even as an industry know and Arthur Watkins, the founder and inventor of the fill station kiosk is getting Help us understand that even more. And Arthur, I love what you do on LinkedIn. You can see your heart for this business. And we’re so thankful to have you here today to talk about Phil station and just to get to know you a little bit better. So for the people that don’t know you, tell us about yourself.

Arthur Watkins 

Well, I live here in Tennessee, of course, married between six years, I have a son who’s graduating college, community college, he has autism, I’m just as surprised that I’m able to get him through college and everything. It actually he’s learned better over the Internet to internet then in school. So his grades went from you know, C’s and B’s to A’s, just unbelievable. So So basically, I started to fill a station out of a store, thinking how I can actually create experience for customers. You know, we created it based on five different feels fetters latex memory foam polyfoam, Buck weed holes, and that we just added alternative down, we didn’t have an attorney at Apple, wow, I just never put it on our website. And we just did that. So the whole point of the programme is to help licensees or help licensees or retailers to great events where their customers to come in to build pillows, and fit them at the same time with with the pillow with all the matters. So it gives them an opportunity to have a story to talk about to sell them potentially a mattress why they’re doing the fitting. So we kind of reverse the order a how to approach a customer on pillows. Before you think about our history, you know how assessories is always sold assessories is always sold when the customer walks in the door they sell sell a mattress and then sell them a pillow. We reverse that by customers building traffic off pillow building events. So they come in build a pillow and then then you wrap yourself into the story of the mattress. So that is really the the case of why the Felicitaciones graded and Plus are reflecting adjustment guarantee they keep on coming back so you can continue to sell them through the process.

Mark Kinsley 

But tell us about that. I mean since you mentioned it what is the reef fluffing and adjustment guarantee? What does that look like? How does that work?

Arthur Watkins 

Well the way it works is that when you sell them a protector they could bring the pillow back all pillows have zippers on so it’s easy to access dump out the fill you sanitise the material, and you send it back to the machine and then that pills what happens to error areas the field. So the placement of your fields either make it flat over time, so when you send it back to the machine again, it actually replaces all the field and make it fluffier again, like they originally purchased it. So that’s what the process is about.

Mark Kinsley 

Loving this because even right now I’m thinking myself, I have a pillow that I really loved for about nine months, and it’s gone too flat so I don’t sleep on a very high profile pillow. I don’t know if it’s my shoulders or the fact that I kind of do the rotisserie sleep routine, you know what I mean? I’m rolling and rolling. But I’m kind of side the back sleeper. And so I have this this nice kind of semi firm but it’s a flatter profile pillow but now it’s getting too flat. And I’m like well how do I get this again? I’m what I had is what I want and then then the names change and all this the skews change and the naming convention is confusing online sometimes. So I would go right now to a fill station personally and go and get my pillow back to its original form that syncs to my ledger All right now that’s great. Arthur he also be really curious because go ahead sorry.

Arthur Watkins 

So it also may think that your as your body changed physically, you may need a little bit extra film, or you may need some taking out Dongri reflux and adjustment process.

Mark Kinsley 

Yeah, Mark when goes you know, after the New Year, puts on 1015 pounds of muscle just to hulk out for each season. And he’s gonna need a different profile a pillow? I’ve seen it happen.

Mark Quinn 

If by muscle you mean middle section muscle, then absolutely 100% You know, I love that we have Arthur on here Kinsley because I’m so passionate about this subject because I in my brain is like, like in 10 different directions. So I’m gonna try and focus here. But, Arthur, first of all, I think from a consumer perspective, like we try to look at everything and put them in the middle of this discussion, right? Like with most things, there’s a big education piece to what you do. So there’s two parts of that number one, it’s, Hey, a pillow is a big deal. It’s the bed for the head. And if you Fitting a consumer for a mattress with the pillow at the same time you’re really missing it because as to work so closely together. I know that’s a big part of what you do. But then the other one is the education is hey man, like you should be replacing your pillow. It’s disgusting if you think about drooling into your pillow all of these times every every night that you sleep. That’s disgusting. And so there has to be that new factor of hey look, ya’ll, so the education on replacement cycle. So can you tell us a little bit about like your approach to that and when you launch a programme, like what kind of training are you doing with people so that they understand just how important the education part of that is?

Arthur Watkins 

Well, the you know, people tend to replace the pillows every two to three years. Based on which all the factors you just said, but we actually have our licensees we take the approach that they have to have a pillow protector on their pillows just like to have a protector on their mattress. The we try to keep the filler inside sanitary for for continuous use. Because you drooling your mattresses on your on your mattress and pillows that gets inside and all that so we recommend for all licensees that the customer purchase a pillow protector to keep their pillow healthy for a longer length of time although are we flogging adjustment guarantees for five years even if the ends they have to replace that replace the outer shell and add a replace to the DI pillow protector.

Mark Quinn 

But every think about that you guys every two to three think about it you every night, Arthur Cinelli stats on how much though normal human rules or sweats even because I have to think and then like I just can’t even like that can’t be healthy. Right? And people don’t think about it. And I haven’t thought about until I got in the industry. But like, what should it be? You’re saying every two to three years is what’s real. But what should it really be if they have a protector on there?

Arthur Watkins 

Oh, if ever if you have a protector on there, you can you can go a little bit longer. Depends on depends on the protector, you know, because Yeah, cuz you’re not drilling. You also want to replace your protectors as well. Yeah, because you’re not drilling in the mattress in the pillow, you’re not drilling it, you’re drilling on the protector. So

Mark Quinn 

even how many people have a protector Kinsley, how many people actually buy a mattress or a pillow protector for their bed? Do you think Take a guess?

Mark Kinsley 

Oh, it’s got to be below 1% I would think

is really high. So

Mark Kinsley 

well, I can see that. You know, and that that speaks to creating an experience where you build value in everything you do. And we talk about that a lot on this show absolute value, people make decisions on price. And if you don’t build value in what you have and what you sell, people aren’t going to understand the things that Arthur and Mark were just talking about. And by the way, just as a quick sidebar, we just set a new show record. For the most times the word drool has ever been mentioned on the US market show.

Mark Quinn 

Congratulations, everyone. That is quite the pinnacle. I mean, Kinzel we are already we’re already meeting our 2022 goals I’m playing for a show.

Mark Kinsley 

They’re very low, the bar is very low. The RS are talking about that. Okay, I want to hear about number one, you’re talking about this education piece. And by creating like bringing something into your store. That’s the striking visual, meaning the fill station, I feel good. The fill station is there in the store, people are going to see it, it looks fun. It looks engaging, obviously the salesperson can bring the customer over to it. That that’s great. That alone I think is going to introduce an element that allows you to have a conversation that people don’t expect to have and surprises the foundation and delight. So think you’ve got something really special there. Now, what are some of the more creative uses or events or parties or what what are people doing when they had to fill station in their store that you’ve noticed that really stands out as a shining example of doing good with this?

Arthur Watkins 

Well, is primarily traffic. We have had a lot of our licensees do different various programmes is easier to partner with contractors for one that’s been the nudge and a whole industry and how you partner with contractors. So we create a programme where they have pillow packs that the contractor sells to the customer in their offices and they bring that shell into habit filled to their preference. So that’s one part of it. The other part of it is the pillar building events. We do those on a continue With spaces, for example, neck and shoulders pillow building event is for people who have common neck and shoulder issues with pillows. At that time we talked to the licensees and licensees talk to their customers about if their mattress currently now is probably too firm for them, it maybe it’s time to replace it. Because, you know, when they make their purchase two or three years on a mattress, they may not realise it could be the mattress, and that pillow sale it turns into a mattress sale. So that’s a part of that. And then for community, a lot of our licensees to build traffic and collect that at the same time. They do pre pillar building events, for you know, the heroes, you know, for in the community, like the prior fire, firefighters and things like that, and kind of build community. You know, trust in many ways with the programme. So there’s many different ways you can actually use the programme. Right now we’re going to be rolling out in 2022 sponsor pillow building events, with other businesses, where they get their logos put on the pillows for these trade off events like a blood drive. So you do a blue blood drive. They actually get a pillow for that. But also the sponsors will also be on those colours.

Mark Kinsley 

Brilliant. I love that I love the Connect great

Mark Quinn 

branding opportunity, right? Go do a firefighter thing and put your company name on the pillowcase and then give this away. That’s a great I was just at a big event where they gave us when we attended. There was a group there branding, little luggage tags. So you could walk over this station as like part of your being at the show, you could like get your own luggage tag made and that would be a really cool kind of thing to do exactly what you’re talking about corporate events. I think that’s brilliant.

Arthur Watkins 

Yeah, actually, uh, actually, the all the shells that shipped out to our licensees, they do have their logos on all of them. So there’s all part of the ball follow through with the branding and their websites on the pillow shells as well.

Mark Kinsley 

Talking to Arthur Watkins, the founder and inventor of fill station, pillow kiosk and what an amazing experience you’ve created that is now in you know roughly 30 locations in the US I want to talk about your international expansion I saw news about that. But Arthur, I gotta go back in time with you. Okay, let’s go back in time, what was the first prototype like fill station pillow kiosk

Arthur Watkins 

was this a laundry baskets, laundry baskets, I was ordering fill from various places I was using actually Pure Care protectors you know, at the beginning. So it was I was building with that and then we built another prototype resolve wood is janky we actually put the motor into the ceiling of the of the store so they have Soviet hose could drop down so we can fail. And it was actually a lawn blower that we used to do actually for the bill to go through and it was loud as heck. So that’s how we kind of started the process trying to put it together and the bill pillows but it was a process it’s a bit you know, before it became a patent that we actually had a company that’s local they actually really did the design work to how the field station should look like

Mark Kinsley 

okay, so describe it for people since we’re on a podcast a lot of people are listening to the podcast and by the way if you’re listening thank you please subscribe head over to fam dot news subscribe there as well get the newsletter but describe it to people Arthur for those who don’t know what, what does it look like today? You know, it’s not a laundry basket and a leaf blower anymore?

Arthur Watkins 

No, it’s actually it’s actually countertops and actually have shells in it where you can actually put your inventory as the functionality of your filler can hold up to 20 to 30 pounds per tub inside of the fill station. The digital scale so you can weigh the build is how you determine how much to charge the customer is by pound. So at the end we actually created a Fill box where it has a door that closes so why you fill in the bill that if you forget to put the shell on there, they did. The fill doesn’t blow out we’ll be sure room. So basically we made all of those changes. And then we’ll also add added a few other things like other internal factors to help build those a little bit better. So

Mark Quinn 

If you’re a first time listener to this show, and you’re catching this one, Marc and I wrote a book called come back to bed, go to fam dot news. And you can subscribe, become a member and get access to that book in audio version for free. But anyway, in the book, we talk a lot about experience, Arthur. And so you can be a company that conducts transactions, you can be a company that creates experiences, which is way better, or you can transfer into, or you can move into transformation, which is another discussion, but what you’re doing is creating experiences for consumers. Guys, Build A Bear is so big for a reason, right? Because it’s kids and they get to come in and they’re involved in they get to participate and customise certain things. The move to customization personalization of product in the macro trend of consumer products is obvious. It’s happening everywhere cars, now you can order customised clothing, shoes, my kids always, you know, go in and custom their shoes. And so, Arthur, talk a little bit about the retailers that have it. Now I know, I was with Matt Smith and snews out in Colorado, and they took me through their fill station experience. And I thought that was really cool, because I got to be involved in that. How important is that experience number one, that people can actually promote that and like say, hey, come get fitted for bed, and then they get to see that. How important is it when the consumer gets in, and they get to actually participate in creating their own sleep surface for their head

Arthur Watkins 

is a great experience for me reasons because you think about when you’re going to the difference between one burger joint to another burger joint, where you can just pick what you want to put on it, versus them just handing you the burger. That’s the difference in value, because you feel like you’re really involved to what you’re actually building. And when you go home at night, you know that you participate in building that particular product. You know, so it goes a longer way when you’re actually knowing that in your heart that you you participated in something that you created and you spent money building and bullets your gives you an opportunity to build a longer relationship with that with that retailer because he now he’s like, you know, John, built my pillow he knows is that hot, my pillow Chick fil A. So just like chiropractor, you know, you go and get your adjustments and everything. And that contractor knows exactly how you like your adjustments. So it’s all is ongoing. It’s ongoing relationship building with your customer, so it’s not transactional. So

Mark Kinsley 

one of my favourite parts about this coin just mentioned it teed it up, it’s not transactional, just like you said, Arthur, it’s transformational. And if you have a reason, if there’s a hook that gets people back into your store, then you can continue to help them with their sleep needs. And it always doesn’t have to be tied to a purchase, although many times it will be. And many times it will be it’s time to refresh your mattress time to refresh your pillow. Hey, how are your sheets, let’s look at all this. How’s your sleep environment, you know, if you’re getting into the full sleep ecosystem as a retailer, but if you can find ways to create the beginning of the relationship, the first time you come in, it’s gonna be a win. And I love that fill station does. And we honestly don’t come across too many examples of products or experiences that when a consumer comes in, it’s the beginning of that transformational relationship that’s tied to that retailer. So this is such a key example of how to do that now challenge retailers out there, think about how you could use fill station creatively in your own environment. You know, pillow building parties, getting involved with charitable organisations, just like you talked about making it experiential and fun. I mean, if you think about during the winter time, there’s lots of snow, you’ve got lots of feathers and fluff and all kinds of fun stuff being blown about there’s a theme that you could put together there. So it’s just such a fun way to think about how we can make an experiential and then make it the beginning of the relationship.

Mark Quinn 

I like that definitely. So Arthur to the relationship side when people come in. Relationships are emotional, right? And people have a emotional connection to their pillow. I mean, it’s crazy like when we travel if we can we all pack our pillows right? Because we want it there we would there’s there’s an affection for that. And so I love that part because when you’re doing the fillings, the filling station experience you get a chance to kind of talk to people about that and and let them not only if they’re buying So one option is to buy Apollo the second is to make it and then if you have an affection for Paul, you buy off the shelf. That’s one thing that if you make Hello, I’m guessing that it stands to reason that the connection to that item even grows, because they were part of the creation of that, is that a fair assumption to make? Yes,

Arthur Watkins 

that’s correct. So it is one of those things that, you know, you hold dear to your heart that you actually did something with, it’s like, I cut my grass, you know, versus having lawmen cut my grass, I’m gonna have a totally different, you know, look at that versus eat or, you know, the hot looks, I did that. So, you know, the curbside uphill, I did that. I mean, that’s the same thing with creating a pillow.

Mark Kinsley 

Well, here’s another thing. I want to throw this out there, because it just came out. We covered it on fam dot news. But Mattress Firm partnered up with SleepScore labs to measure the results of a pillow fitting process. And so the study measured sleep before and after the customers participated in an in store pillow fitting process, here’s what they found. The participants slept 487 more minutes per month, on average, that’s just over eight hours when they use the new fitted pillow, compared to using their original pillow. So that’s adding up to an extra night of sleep on average per month. So you look at this, and I think to myself, great, that that’s just validation for doing a fill a pillow fitting process. And if you have the wrong technology or surfaces, you’re going to have the wrong night of sleep a bad night’s sleep. Now you take it to the next level. And you think about what you’re doing Arthur with fill station, if you have five different pillows you can sell in store, you got five different options, maybe you’re gonna find somebody, you know, one that fits that person. But now you have infinite options. And you can truly fit that person to that pillow. And I want everybody to remember that stat. You know, it was a sleep score labs and an extra night of sleep per month that you’re losing out on if you don’t have the right pillow fitting, which what’s your reaction to that Arthur, when you when you think about those infinite number of solutions

Arthur Watkins 

that create perfect? Yeah, this perfect because, you know, when they first did the initial fitting, and everything they get that high score, but for for retailers to think about that score changes over time, you know, that’s a stay at that number. So that’s reason why the fluff, and the adjustments helped him put it back at that number. So we know that people’s bodies gonna continue to change, and you know, their attitudes towards their pillows will change the emotional fit for that pillow changes. So you definitely want to keep them at that, that number that 487 number so

Mark Kinsley 

Oh, that’s right, I got to put an exclamation point on that. Well, you just pointed out right there Arthur is so key, your pillows gonna change shape, it’s just gonna happen. That’s what pillows do, it’s gonna lose its fluff lose its profile, whatever you want to call it. So if you want to continue to get that extra 487 minutes of sleep per month, you’re gonna have to make sure that you’re at a certain interval going back in, and either buying a whole new pillow or using a fill station, and getting back to that profile that fits your body. Otherwise, you’re gonna boom, start that bell curve is going to start to trail off at the end and you’re start gonna start to lose sleep. And you can market that as a business, you can market that as a business. And that’s what’s so important about creating those continued hooks in the water that bring your customers back in and you serve them.

Mark Quinn 

No doubt, I saw a little bit of a rant. So I was with Dr. V. To insert his name, we do that frequently here. And he took me through his pillow fitting process. And one of the things we discovered it’s not my pillow, it’s my pillows, right? Because I sleep with two, I sleep with one for my head and kind of hug one of my body. And I talked to so many people who do that. So the cool thing about what you’re doing is that you can have a different comfort level for your head, you may have a different length or type for the body part. And I think a lot of people do that a lot of people sleep with it under their knees or so I love that part of what you’re talking about. The other thing I just want to comment on, I’ll leave it to you to to, to, to add to but you know, in the book we wrote We also talk about you know, you have to decide to do something differently. So in your market, a lot of consumers go into a sleep shop or a furniture store. They’re like hey, we got to write the check for with a button like where am I? So why in the hell? If you are in the retail space, wouldn’t you look for things like this to totally differentiate what you do because not everyone in your market has a cool hey, come build pillow experience. So I love that to really be provide a competitive advantage for retailers out there. So Arthur, let’s, let’s go a little bit deeper. So why what is the biggest objection that you hear? After you make a presentation? I’m guessing footprint might be one or cost might be one. What are you here? Like? What Why do people kind of hedge on bringing your your programme in?

Arthur Watkins 

Well, his footprint, and I was still, you know, retailers is that you always going to have a very debt part of your showroom that no one’s interested on going, going going into. So you may have a couple of skews, that’s just not selling as well. But, you know, we also go back into it may be it may be licenced the cost of a licence. But we have a variety of different, we have three different tiers of licences that can go for, so it doesn’t have to be so I’ve one shoot is done. And then we also have financing, as well, if the if the if they can’t pay up front, they can pay with, you know, 36 months. So it’s a it’s usually the injection for us is that, okay, we have, you know, they got a programme set up with a manufacturer that they may have tried to tell them they gotta have set amount of factors is on the floor. And then that’s the other reason for that objection, as well. So

Mark Kinsley 

in Arthur, I think you’re right, I mean, if you start to really put your store environment under a microscope, and say, Okay, if we had to put this in here, what would it look like people are gonna find, oh, my gosh, I got some underperforming skews, I got some dead space over here. It really is time. Just like when a consumer needs a new pillow to refresh my store. Let’s come back in and fluff this up. Yeah, hey, Arthur, I love the path. You’ve taken us down. You’ve been inspired, you know, my thinking. And we love examples like this. And they’re too few in our industry. So you’re innovative spirit, and your entrepreneurial spirit is is what we love. And so thank you so much for being on the show today. I have another question for you. Before we wrap up, you’re expanding into international licencing as well tell us about that.

Well, we actually are selling master licencing to certain markets. We just began that like last year with all the crazy stuff going on. So we thought maybe we can expand in different markets that would actually help you know, other retailers to get a better night’s sleep with the whole customization process. So when you when you buy a mash licence, you’re you’re doing exactly what I’m doing here to United States. But you know, with a little bit of oversight to make sure the programme is the same across the the international perspective. So

Mark Quinn 

let’s say Kinsley, you know, my sister Carrie Quinn, who’s with pure care, Arthur, you mentioned her. So for my Christmas present one of them from her, she sent me a silk pillowcase. That’s the bottom right there. So that’s luxury in its best way. So anyway, if you’re out there, get yourself in silk pillowcase. So are there any

Mark Kinsley 

better and get yourself a life loom pillowcase?

Mark Quinn 

Oh, even better, no doubt,

Mark Kinsley 

love the next level. More to come on da the FDA cleared lifebloom pillowcase is the literally the first in the world of its of its kind. There’s no other FDA cleared sheets and pillowcases. And it’s proven to reduce acne on your face.

Mark Quinn 

In wrinkles, there’s no shear but they’ve got sheets to it’s pretty incredible. So Arthur, before we go, your son graduate, I just love this story. Your son graduated from community college, he has autism. What’s the next step for him? By the way, congratulations on that. And well done. That just warms my heart. That’s incredible. So what’s what’s he going to do? What’s the next thing for him?

Arthur Watkins 

Well, we looked at, you know, the his path and everything. And he has really good numbers. Because when you own autism, you know, you’re there. Basically your you get good at one thing he can, one thing he’s really good at, he can look at a car and tell you exactly what year model that car is and what car it is and what engine that car uses. Without even have to, you know, we just point which car it is. And he can tell you all that information. So he’s really good at numbers. So we’re gonna keep him on the accounting side of it, because we want to make sure he doesn’t have to deal with all the craziness, having to talk to people all the time and all that so, so he’s going to be going to MTSU after he graduates from community college, so

Mark Kinsley 

yeah, good for him. Good for you and your wife. And hey, good, good for this audience to be able to get to know you a little bit better and hey, we We are happy to have you as part of the fam, you know, you tell us a little bit about your family. This is the fam. People like you and your your vision and what you’ve done in this industry. And we can tell you serve people, we see it all the time you continue to show up and all my feeds, and I see all the links and all this stuff you post and so well done. And I know that you have raving fans out there because people have told us about you. And I’m happy to get to know you and hear your story. And hey, if people want to get in touch with you, should they go to fill station.com? Is that the best place?

Arthur Watkins 

Yes, that’s the best place, they can click on the licencing to become a REIT become a licensee. And from there, we take the steps to get you all set up in your store. We do the installation, we do the training, we have ongoing training. So the goal is to and we’re also ongoing creative processes to help you find different ways to create traffic for your store. So it’s just ongoing. You don’t have to do everything we tell you to do and everything and those are just ideas, but it’s just to help you create traffic. So

Mark Quinn 

that’s awesome. Arthur, thank you so much. You’re awesome. We enjoyed this very much great information for this audience. And if you’re listening guys, it’s a campfire. We want you to circle up tell your friends about the does Marcos podcasts in the fam more importantly, we’ve got some of the great podcast shows featured on there as well. So get connected, share the show with your friends and go give us a like or a reading if you would iTunes Spotify wherever you listen to your shows. As for now that’s it Arthur that’s good. Have a great 2022 and we’ll catch everyone in this audience on the next we do

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