January 16, 2025

Announcing the Dos Marco book name

Mark Quinn said it best, “We don’t want retailers to survive. We want them to thrive.”  In this week’s episode, we reveal the name of our new book, 

“Come Back to Bed: Attract More Foot Traffic And Make People Fall In Love With Your Store. “

As your Sleep Industry Guides, Dos Marcos has traveled the mattress universe looking for tried-and-true foot traffic drivers. Over the years we’ve gathered dozens of ideas that have been implemented by real retailers. But the book is more than a list of ways to attract foot traffic; Dos Marcos will show you how to build a brand people love, connect with people in a meaningful way, and truly differentiate your business from the competition. 

Here’s a taste of what’s inside the book, a snippet from Chapter 3 that touches on why mattress and furniture stores have to change and adapt to be here tomorrow. 

“We live in an attention economy. If you capture people’s attention, you can get paid. Fail to make people look and listen and business will suffer. Offer the same products sold at a dirty window store down the road and you’ll be commoditized. Avoid building value in your products and no one will care what you’re selling. Promote only price and item and someone will beat your price.”

You need to differentiate….

{…}To generate foot traffic and sales you have to give people a compelling reason to put on pants and stop shopping at Amazon.com.

You have to decide to do it differently.

{…}A shift takes place when you decide to do it differently. Suddenly you go from playing basketball against giants to running sprints against sloths. No one can keep up. They don’t understand what you’re doing or why you’re doing it. They scoff and criticize. They sneer and talk trash. And then one day you’ll see those trash talkers trying to play your game. At first you’ll be upset. Don’t worry. It won’t take long before your competitor realizes they’re the sloth and you’re the track star. If someone else plays your game, you’ll be better at it. A key piece of your game will be dedicated to something fun, meaningful, and magical—connecting with people. That’s where we’re heading next.”

We describe in detail over 70 tested methods for driving foot traffic. We incorporate the wisdom of heavy hitters in the industry such as Jim “Mattress Mack” McInvgale, Harry Roberts, Steve Rusing and many more. We lament over some of our own personal failures, and we did all this so that you could walk away with a one-stop-shop book designed to take your business from ordinary to extraordinary.

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